Wednesday 1 July 2015

Nyandarua County Youth Enterprise Development and Innovations Fund Bill

The proposed Nyandarua County Youth Enterprise Development and Innovations Fund Bill, 2015 aims at stimulating the economy of Nyandarua County by creating a Fund that will help youth develop innovations, start new businesses and grow existing ones. It aims to create an environment where youths can generate wealth, create the much needed job opportunities and improving the living standards of thousands in Nyandarua County.
What is the purpose of the Fund?
v Providing access to capital and financing facilities to micro and small enterprises owned by the youth resident in the County.
v Attracting and facilitating investment in micro and small enterprises oriented commercial infrastructure.
v Supporting youth oriented micro and small enterprises to develop linkages with large enterprises.
v Facilitating marketing of products and services of micro and small enterprises owned by youth resident in the County in both domestic and international markets.
v Facilitating employment of youth resident in the County and  in the international lab our market.
v Promote the development of technological innovations within the country
v Establish awards in recognition of exemplary performance by youths in the field of technological innovations and business
Create events such as festivals and exhibitions to promote youth owned business and innovations throughout the County