Saturday 10 October 2015


Nyandarua Disaster Preparedness Committee met 8th, Octomber and resolved to urgently map out areas that are prone to floods and landslides ahead of the El’nino rains expected any time from now.
The Committee identified some of the areas prone to floods such as Ndunyu Njeru town and surrounding areas, parts of Nyakio ward in Kinangop sub-county, Gatondo and Ndemi area in Wanjohi ward and the lower parts of Kipipiri sub-county.
The Committee also identified several areas in Ndaragwa sub-county, the Lake Ol’bollosat region, and several parts of Ol’Kalou and Ol’joro-Orok sub-counties.
The team is led by Nyandarua Governor H.E. Daniel Waithaka Mwangi and includes County Commissioner Mr. Samuel Kimiti. Other members include County Police Commander, County AP Commander, head of Kenya Red Cross Society in Nyandarua, county head of National Youth Service (NYS) and representative from local branch of Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI).
Other members are drawn from representative of faith-based organizations, the Kenya Power, representatives from the Governor’s office and County Executive Committee members for Health, Education, Finance, Agriculture, Water and Roads.
During its meeting the committee was informed that Nyandarua County Government had set aside Sh40 million for use in disaster preparedness and was looking forward to more funding from the national government and other donors.
The meeting resolved that rescue centers be set up immediately in all areas that are susceptible to floods and landslides in accordance with recommendations from the sub-county disaster committees.
The department of health announced it had increased purchase of drugs and materials to cater for patients in the event of an outbreak of waterborne diseases.
The committee resolved to urgently purchase relief foods to cater for the population that will be affected by floods and other disasters across the county. Food stocks will also be used to assist people who will be affected by famine following crop failure due to flooding.
The County government will avail ambulances in strategic areas of the county to cater for victims of El’nino and also avail fuel to assist police in the rescue mission.
Members resolved to come out with a county disaster policy to address short-term and long-term issues on disaster preparedness. It was also agreed that the business community be sensitized on the need to assist victims of disaster by providing food and other materials whenever the need arises.
Finally, members resolved that the disaster preparedness team should formulate a time-table to allow for meetings on quarterly basis to address upcoming issues even after the El’nino rains are over.