Monday 10 August 2015

Governor's PRESS RELEASE on Corruption Allegation

Telephone: 0202660859 P O BOX 701-20303
Telefax.020 266 0859 OL KALOU KENYA
My attention has been drawn to media reports attributed to Nyandarua Senator Hon. Muriuki Karue touching on alleged loss of funds as earlier reported by the Auditor General.
While addressing a public rally on Sunday 9, 2015 in Engineer town, Hon. Karue claimed that my administration cannot account for Sh746 million spent during the 2013/14 financial year.
Further, Hon. Karue claimed the money was lost mainly through flawed tendering process in the construction and opening up of access roads across the Nyandarua County.
Nothing can be further from the truth.
The report by the Auditor General refers to Sh410 million whose documents had not been presented to him by a few government departments- chief among them the department of Roads and Public works- by the time the interim report was concluded.
I wish to emphasize that what the auditor general presented is an interim report which is bound to change once the relevant documents being sought by his office on various tenders have finally been presented.
I believe Hon. Karue is an experienced politician and technocrat and he fully understands the dynamics of accounting for government funds. The report by the auditor general is not conclusive because what we have is an interim audited accounts and my administration has already made efforts to provide the relevant documentation before the second and final report is prepared.
It is therefore the height of hypocrisy for Hon. Karue to organize public rallies in the county with a view to feeding the public with half-baked reports on audited accounts whose aim is to stir up political protests and incite the public against their government.
Hon. Karue has been Senator of Nyandarua County during the past two years but he has never engaged my administration on constructive issues or even addressed the Nyandarua County Assembly on issues affecting this County.
He appears only keen on hyping public emotions perhaps hoping to resurrect his political image ahead of the 2017 general elections.
The Senator can easily walk into my office and seek for clarification on any issue because that is his right. But he has chosen to be antagonistic and is busy peddling rumours and lies against my administration instead of seeking for the truth.
He is behaving like a drowning man who clings to papyrus reeds in the hope of saving his life. Sadly, the Senator is doing this at the expense of the people of Nyandarua.
Time has come for Nyandarua people to reject such politicians because they have nothing to offer; instead of teaming up with my government to solve socio-economic challenges facing our county, Hon. Karue has turned out to be a lone ranger whose main pre-occupation is to fight my government.
The report by auditor general for 2013/14 has raised eyebrows from many quarters and none other than H.E. the Deputy President has raised concerns saying it was not representative of the truth. So one wonder why Senator Karue has chosen to use this document to malign the government. He should tell the world who he is working for.
My administration has taken steps to go into the bottom of this matter and that explains why I have asked 13 senior officials including a CEC member and a Chief Officer to step aside to allow for thorough investigations.
Until this matter is fully investigated and the auditor general issues the final report, nobody should be in a hurry to condemn the government.
I assure members of the public that no stone will be left unturned in unearthing the truth.
Thank you.
Dated today August 10, 2015