Tuesday 4 August 2015

Nyandarua County Senator Eng. Muriuki Karue chased away by Olkalau resident.

Nyandarua Governor H.E. Daniel Waithaka Mwangi and area Members of the County Assembly address an impromptu rally outside the Governor's car park in the heart of Ol'Kalou town. The residents matched to the park and demanded to be addressed by by the Governor soon after chasing away Nyandarua Senator, Eng. Muriuki Karue who attempted to convene a meeting in the town allegedly to discuss reports by Auditor General. The angry residents dismissed Karue as a failed politician who had slept on his job in the Senate saying he had called the rally in an attempt to resuscitate himself politically. On their part, the MCAs accused Karue of treating them with disrespect by failing to address any meeting in the County Assembly since he was elected Senator in March, 2013.