Sunday 2 August 2015

Nyandarua Governor Suspend Corrupt County Government Officials


Nyandarua governor, H.E. Daniel Waithaka Mwangi has suspended with immediate effect a Cabinet Minister and a Chief Officer following the audit reports released by the Auditor General in regard to use of public funds during the period 2013/14 .
Addressing a press conference at his office today August 1, 2015, the Governor announced he had suspended Roads and Public Works Minister Hon. Eng. Charles Mugo Chiuri and Finance Chief Officer Mr. Michael Kamau Kuria.
The Governor also directed the County Secretary Mr. Frank Muchina to write letters of suspension to the following officers:
• County Roads Engineer Mr. Zablon Karenge
• All officers who were working as sub-county Roads Works officers during the period 2013/14. They include;
• Mutahi Wahiu, Patrick Gachugi, Samuel Mugi, Joseph Kiai and Davis Gitau.
The Governor also directed the CS to immediately suspend the following officers:
• Records Office Mr. David Kigoro
• Officer who was in charge of fueling road trucks Mr. Christopher Muiruri
• Principal Youth Training officer, Ms Mary Njugi,
• Sports Officer, Mr. Earnest Macharia
• Officer in charge of IFMIS Ms Joyce Mrefu.
The Governor directed the CS to investigate the officers named on their role on the problems of expenditure in their various dockets. He said the report should be handed to him within four weeks.
The Governor assured members of the public and development partners that no efforts will be spared to safeguard public funds and that any officer found culpable in corruption will be dismissed and the monies lost be recovered.
“I want to remind all persons holding public office in my administration that they have to deliver services to the public and I will not tolerate those sleeping their jobs,” he said.
The Governor was accompanied by the Chief of Staff Mr. Daniel Gitau Mburu, political advisor Mr. Njihia Wangungu, Legal Advisor Mr. Julius Kamau Muthanwa, and the Director of Press Mr. Eliud Miring’uh.


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Following a report by the Auditor General in regard to the use of public funds in Nyandarua County during the 2013 – 2014 Financial Year, my office wishes to safeguard the public finances by taking the following steps:
I have with immediate effect suspended:
1. CEC Member in charge of Roads, Public Works and Transport – Eng. Charles MugoChiuri
2. Chief Officer – Finance & Economic Planning – Mr. Michael KamauKuria
I hereby order the County Secretary to suspend with immediate effect the following officers:
i) County Roads Engineer – Mr. ZablonKarenge
ii) All officers who were working as Sub-County Roads Works officers during the period under review namely; MutahiWahiu, Patrick Gachugi, Samuel Mugi, Joseph Kai and Davis Gitau.
iii) Records office David Kigoro and the officer who was in-charge of fuel Christopher Muiruri.
iv) Principal Youth Training Officer – Ms. Mary Njugi
v) Sports officer – Mr. Ernest Macharia
vi) Officer in Charge of IFMIS – Ms Joyce Mrefu
3. Establish a committee to investigate on the above officers on their role on the problems of expenditure in their various dockets. I expect to get the investigations report in four weeks.
I take this opportunity to assure the people of Nyandarua County and our development partners that no efforts will be spared to rid of the county elements of corruption if any is established after the investigations.
Any public officer found to have embezzled public funds will be sacked immediately and legal action taken to recover all monies that they may have misappropriated.
I also want to remind all persons holding public office in my administration that they have to deliver services to members of the public. My office will not tolerate anybody found to be sleeping on the job.
Thank you.
1st August, 2015