Thursday 13 August 2015


Nyandarua County Government and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) have entered into a pact meant accelerate the industrialization and mechanization of agriculture in the county.
Under a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed today August 12, 2015 between Nyandarua Governor H.E. Daniel Waithaka Mwangi and JKUAT Vice Chancellor Prof. Mabel Imbuga, the two sides agreed to collaborate in setting up dairy plants and mechanization of agriculture.
The University has been working closely with the department of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries during the past six months while exploring areas of joint co-operation, which culminated in the signing of MoU today.
The signing of the pact is the first of its kind in Kenya between an institution of higher learning and a county government. University professors and their students are expected to apply their knowledge and skills by undertaking practical projects within the county.
The event which took place at the University headquarters in Ruiru was witnessed by officials of Nyandarua Dairy Stakeholders Association led by their chair Mr. Joseph Murega, Agriculture CEC Hon. Agatha Thuo and senior officials from the department.
Others present included the Governor’s Legal Advisor Mr. Kamau Muthanwa, and senior officials from the University led by Deputy Vice Chancellor Prof. Esther Murugi Kahangi.
The MoU calls for joint partnership between the University and the County government in the following areas:
• Dairy Farming- including commercial dairy farming, animal health, pest control and animal feeds among others,
• Agro-based value addition which include processing of milk and milk products, potato processing, horticulture value chain, pyrethrum value chain, poultry, rabbits, and fish farming,
• Joint research in areas mutually agreed upon such as pest control, extension services, technology transfer, enhanced animal production, design affordable farm machinery, farm inputs production, post-harvest handling, hydro power generation and biomas and energy conservation, among others (By GPS)